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57 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 22 - 49
Appearance: Attractive
As an independent entrepreneur, inventor, and musician, I have been an Executive Producer in film, Owned and Operated a Recording Studio/Media Lab, was the Managing Director of a UK Guitar Amplifier Company,  - and traveled extensively as a touring musician. I hold a issued patent in multiple countries.  I had stage 4 cancer twice (they gave me many rounds of Chemotherapy, then Stem cell therapy after high dose chemotherapy and then radiation) - treatments from 2016-2020. My wife told me that when they said I wasn't going to make it the first time, she turned "off" as that was her emotional self-defense mechanism. I decided, regardless whether she helped when I was sick,,,,I was going no where....I mean I was going to live damn it!. I had kids that were still young then. Kids to finish raising , ideas like my patent to fulfill and a life to live. It was hard rebuilding myself but I can say I am strong again and am going to be stronger mentally, physically and spiritually. My wife had a death in her family close to her and I did what I could in the fall of 2022 and I helped close down her family farm. There was covid as well and then my father had a stroke on dec 22 2022 and died after a turbulent course of health care in August of this year. Together with the stress of raising kids, it killed our relationship I could not be a cheerleader anymore, so I guess it is no one's fault. I was adopted. I had hoped to have a successful marriage that could last as I didn't want to be like my father who left my mother on her own,. I am half Greek but half English from my Canadian father and then I was adopted as a baby into tough but big-hearted Scotch-Irish Canadian family. I had no brothers and sisters and had to work for my parents form the age of 5 but am grateful because I did not turn into the mush that some of my coddled fellow Candian men have turned into! I am separated but legally still married,,,,with two beautiful children - one boy 16 Thomas and one girl 13 Olivia - whom I support and have good relations. I raised them to be open minded worldly tough and self-reliant so I do not have to be concerned about moving on to another relationship. I know my kids will accept my new lady when she enters my life. I continue to financially support my kids. I am completely loyal to my woman but I hope that we stay young at heart and be prepared to work at our relationship with me for life. I want good times with my companion and hopefully they will want to travel with me and hopefully we can work together on some level. I want this to be the last relationship in my life. I will not judge or be jealous of my companion as we will be starting a new life. I might be interested in living in more than one country but want to keep my home in Canada. I would consider keeping an apartment in another county, including South Korea or the UK, where I used to work until 2020.
58 Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Seeking: Female 40 - 56
Appearance: Attractive
Hello all you beautiful ladies out there ,and I am talking to those that are just as beautiful inside and out. in my opinion from what you wrote in your profile,, ah what the heck your all beautiful. xo I am looking for those that care about a balance between good looks, healthy mind and body, and an even better heart and soul .(cause when you connect ..it is heaven,) I know what I want in a woman …a particular look …yes ..a particular soul ..Absolutely…If I do send you a message then you have the look and the soul that I feel and desire .I do not take this lightly and I am very interested….however I also know that you must be interested also.. so that being said I would like to get to know you if possible ,however if I write you and you don’t respond its either because you cannot or you not interested,( which is ok) however let me know either way ..it’s just good manners )..I am not interested in how much you make or don’t make..To me it’s your heart, soul and mind that are the most precious, however like anybody there needs to be that physical attraction( us human sometimes suck that way ,,and I am no different). Me ..I am a very loving and caring guy ,,I can cook , am a great handy man .. Home mechanic, loves yard work and if I get your love and devotion..I will equal that or more..I am a giver..i do like to receive however and will accept it, as it recharges my batteries to give even more xo .I like to communicate .i expect truth ..No lies (unless it’s my birthday and you have a special party for me lol|) I absolutely love nature and animals ( and you should too) camping ..Cooking over an open flame …having a few beverages around the fire while I play the guitar and sing (if you can play or sing even better). I will do whatever I can to help my family and friends anytime..all they need to do is ask ..I will be there. Even those on the streets if I am able. I am not going to sugar coat things …sometimes things upset me …I might get grumpy …I definitely am stubborn.. However with love and a really great kiss and hug and communication (is key)...I will mellow…who wouldn’t,( I melt..).I am set in some ways however also open minded enough to see a better way. Ok let’s talk about sex, Intimacy. I like it. .a lot and for a guy my age..i don’t see a need for Viagra any time soon , even though I am the age I am ..In this respect I feel like I am 35..if that means anything. I like to hold hands, I will respectfully show open signs of affection in public (kisses, hugs, maybe some other silly things) I am not by any means perfect.. however I do strive to be better than I was the day before.( and that is for me and my journey here as a spiritual being having a human experience on earth ) Some may like what I wrote, which is my truth …and that’s great. If you don’t like it ..that’s ok also because it’s still my truth ..I hope all of you as well as myself.. Can find the one that fills you with joy and love, even more then what you can give to yourself…… peace ,love,and hope for a better future to all of you .. xo Todd

