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51 Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 35
Religion: No religion
Redford White was not as handsome as Tom Cruise nor sexy as the young Brad Pitt. And neither do I. By the way. I am NOT a Filipino, I am a pure German! But I saw Redford White in a video. I never have travelled to the Philippines before. Okay, I am not a headturner. But I am presentable and for some people somehow impressive, because I am a tall six footer with crystal blue eyes. But what makes me unique, is my personality. I am smart, well educated, extremely funny, talkative, honest, interested, open minded, faithful, curious, serious when needed, playful as a child if allowed. Please notice that I am NOT religious at all. I can be a charming entertainer but I need my daily thoughtful moments. Money is never a problem in my life, but I am not boastful. I do not need to impress anybody and I know, that best things in life a free. I don't like materialistic people. In my job I have to lead other people but do it in a friendly and motivating way. If I am in love I let my partner feel every day, that she is the most beautiful woman for me in the whole world. I am very romantic, and if the moment is right I like to be naughty with you. Nature is my passion. I don't like nightlife. But that doesn't mean I am boring. I like to dine out, meet friends, go to classical concerts and operas, view football or go to gym once a week (but I still have a few pounds too much!). Music is my backround. I compose own music and perform it with artists. Fortunately in my job I have many free days and I enjoy to see the world. I traveled in almost 40 countries. If you are interested in me, I like to learn your language. Please show me your food, your customs and your whole life! This will be our story: We start here at fc to write emails and exchange photos. Next step we will skype. Sooner or later we feel a spark between us and we will miss each other if there is a day without communication. We tell us our secrets and become best friends. You pick me up from airport in July. Our first shy kiss. You present me to friends and relatives. We speak about food, about quantum physics and about the latest movies in cinema. One day we make a trip to the beach. Suddenly our hands come nearer and we walk hand in hand along the beach. Sooooo romantic. Envious eyes are watching us and say: "What a nice couple!" We watch the sunset. Our second kiss. A little bit longer. Later we have a candle light dinner. To be continued.
66 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 35 - 50
Religion: No religion
Please read the titel of my profile. I'm not interested in communicating any word English, leave this profile, if you aren't able to speak French, German or Portuguese, thank you. – STP, lises the title of my profile. No interest in speaking English. If you do not speak French or German or Portuguese please abandon this profile. – Bitte, wenn Ihr weder Französisch noch Deutsch oder Portugiesisch sprecht, verlasst dieses profile. I am a very agile man mentally and physically. – ICH bin ein sehr agiler Mann, geistig und körperlich. It is perhaps because I would like to think, make music as you see in singing and play different instruments at the first acoustic guitar. I sing in traditional French, in German low pay (it is the dialect in northern Germany), a little Portuguese and certainly also English. DAS, vielleicht, weil ich gerne nachdenke, Musik mache, wie ihr seht, singend und verschiedene Instrumente spielend zuerst akustische Gitarre. ICH traditional monkey Französisch, Nieder-/Plattdeutsch (norddeutscher Dialekt), ein wenig Portugiesisch und sicher auch Englisch. In addition, I look at the relationship between the words that take us and the influence of our thoughts and habits. My profession is a specialized mechanic of micro electronics and fine mechanics. Außerdem betrachte ich die Beziehung zwischen dem Gebrauch der Sprache und dem Einflux auf unsere Gedanken und Gewohnheiten. Von Beruf bin ich Mechatroniker, spezialisiert in Mikroelektronik und Feinmecanik. There is something that I am surprised. Here many women sign that they want a man who is not lying. Yes I understand. But your photos are current? Your age information is correct? lässt was mich erstaunen. Viele Frauen yesterday schreiben, dass sie einen Mann wollen, der nicht lügt. ICH verstehe. Aber sind eure Fotos aktuell? Sind die Angaben über's alter richtig? My picture took this year's August and my age at profile is correct. – Mein Foto wurde August diesies Jahres aufgenommen und mein alter im profile stimmt.
