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37 Los Angeles, California, United States
Seeking: Male 27 - 45
First i have that experience with my Creator, the one whose LOVE IS UNDENIABLY UNCONDITIONAL. Now i seek a Man to share a LOVE and life like none other. There is a major difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. Being in love is rooted in deep commitment to each other, what we are and everything we will become. It's Praying Together, not just at meal times; It's being alone in the house together for a weekend and not getting bored; it's rubbing ketchup on your face just because it looks funny; its waking up to a real "good morning"...the kind that is actually meant as a good wish and from the heart; it's making pancakes together and spilling more batter on the floor and each other than in the bowl; it's taking a bubble bath and looking forward to the candlelight massage afterwards; it's drinking Champagne and dancing in the livingroom like we were in a club having just as much fun; it's walking along the beach on a summer afternoon; it's being excited about a kiss first thing in the morning as any other time of day; it's coming home from work as fast as you can to get home to me or me to you; it's me behind the cooker, and you coming inside the kitchen every two minutes pretending you need something just so you can kiss me; it's falling asleep with your arms around me and waking up with your arms still around me; it's saying "I love you" and meaning it so much my eyes water; it's spending the day at the beach making sand castles and the night drinking wine and sharing our dreams; it's "making love" every time we have sex; it's looking forward to waking up to you, it´s so much in the little details of our daily lives, and it's walking through the mall hand in hand when we are 80 years old. True love, this is the love that i seek!!! Let me be Your Princess ;-) I will forever devote myself in entirety if I meet the man who is courageous enough to commit. That is the Hopeless Romantic side of me. Like they say, Beauty catches the Eyes! Personality catches the Heart!! Is there Some More??? Oops, i have made this a rather long write-up because i haven´t had the time to make it shorter :-) read on! I am ME and only until YOU DARE to know Me, You will not be able to Appreciate the Beauty and Uniqueness of Another Being. I am not going to blow an empty trumpet but truth is, if you will have the privilege of getting to know me, you will be the testament to WHO I AM! So read it here first. LOL SHE is a beautiful and passionate soul with a warm personality, great sense of humor, romantic, loving, outgoing, communicator, adventurous and very Responsible !! SHE is the ´eyecatcher in the crowd´, Her smiles bring the sparks in your eyes, warms your heart and awakens your soul. I love Life and with each New Dawn, are opportunities to Live, to Give and to Love. Pets, Travelling, Beach, Cooking, Music, Photography, Nature, People, Cultures, even the little things around ... are part of what makes the ´TRIP´ worthwhile. Yet, with all of that and even more, there is still a Vacuum that only that ´ONE Special Person´ can fill. Who can fill this vacuum? Who is my Soulmate?? Where are You??? I know what I want from life and I am NOT afraid to Go for It, Get It and Keep It. I don´t necessarily follow conventions because conventions are like laid down rules, and laid down rules can be deterrent to progress. I have a strong Positive attitude to life and often times, no matter what the circumstances are, I strive for Excellence and achieve success except I don't summon that courage to try. In FIVE letters, it can be summarily said I AM a B-eautiful, I-ntelligent. T-olerant, C-ongenial, H-umane - Princess for the Prince. (Princess here is not actually just a cliche) Yes i am the Well-redefined Down to Earth BITCH. Everybody has the opportunity(ies) to achieve what they desire. Lets open our world to the Beauties that surround us - like Friendship, Love and Communication!!! I believe we can never truly appreciate the unique personality of another until we take a chance and reach out ... Moreso, It is the things in common that make relationships enjoyable, but it is the little differences that make them interesting. The heart has reasons that reason does not understand. Better let my heart be without words, than my words without heart. Can we be like two volumes of one book. I love to take that chance ... Lets Ride Together ... It is Worth your Plan for Life and your Reason for Living !!! Together WE can make the trip worthwhile... Remember ... "Years from now, We won´t regret the things we did, we will have more regrets for the things we had the opportunity to do but didn´t. ..." I AM NOT PERFECT ! I AM REAL!!!
35 Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Seeking: Male 35 - 59
30 Bellevue, Washington, United States
Seeking: Male 27 - 39
35 Houston, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 35 - 59
37 Austin, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 35 - 57

